Monday, September 14, 2009

Evolution Scan #1 - Rotation Overworld

Ok, I will now start a post that I have named Evolution Scan. Evolution scan will compare a creature that has evolved through chaotic, and has two or more scans. I will alternate a rotation, of Overworld, Underworld, Mipedians, and then to Danians. With Rare times I will interupt this cycle to throw in a M'arrillian or Tribeless creature.

For my first Evolution Scan we will review Donmar. I feel that this should have been the first Donmar, He may have lost a mugic but in return he gained the water element. He has an ability that is closely related to his first one, but almost an unlimited uses. I prefer Tablet Translator's art and flavor text compared to the original Donmars. I would also like to point out that he is one of two of the Tablet Translators, the other one being Tharc.

Judgement= Improvement

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